Friday, November 21, 2014


Changes done to the woman's face in "Dove Evolution":

  • Hair and makeup are done
  • Bigger Lips
  • Longer neck
  • Bigger eyes
  • Moved her eyes down
  • Slimmer neck
Changes with the Model's body(1):
  • Skin isn't discolored 
  • Bigger lips
  • Bigger eyes
  • Smaller nose 
  • Paler
  • Higher shoulder
  • Skinnier
  • Longer legs
  • Longer neck
  • Smaller feet
  • Smaller Butt

Changes with the Model's body(2):
  • Smaller butt, thighs, and calfs
  • Smaller arms
  • Bigger boobs
  • Smaller waist 
  • Smaller head
  • Longer hair

  1. I do not think its ethically acceptable to change someones appearance, because i believe that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way and by photoshopping it takes away that uniqueness and it alters the truth. Its also giving us a false image of beauty. 
  2. Yes i think in every situation to manipulate someones appearance. But in some situations; like journalism, its even more wrong. 
  3. I think any type of photoshop is fine, but once it gets into body and face manipulation i think its crossing the line. 
  4. The difference between fashion photography and photo journalism is that fashion is trying to convince someone to buy a certain product that they are selling. Photo journalism is supposed to show the raw truth. 
  5. Both types of photography show us how the world is in a way. Fashion photography tells young women how they should look and photo journalism shows us whats going on in the world. 
  6. You are showing us these videos so we can see other types of photography.
  7. None of these videos are about guys because they aren't held to the same standard as girls. We are expected to look they way the models do, we are supposed to be what other people want us to be. They are sending us subliminal messages that unless we buy their products we won't be as pretty. Boys don't have to be pretty, if a guy does something wrong sometimes the finger points to a woman. 

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