Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Magazines Part 2

  1. Early Magazine Covers- In the mid-1700s many of the "covers" where just the title and table of contents. When they did use covers they where just modeled after covers of books. Providing only the title and publication data. Later in the 1800s the covers where generic, which meant they  where decorated with leafy symmetry of victorian embellishments. 
  2. Poster Cover- From the 1890s to the 1960s this type of cover dominated. These covers where so memorable on so many issues and magazines that its sometimes looked at as the standard on which covers have to measure up to. 
  3. Pictures Married to Type- Covers from the 20th century that left a lasting imprint on the aesthenics sensibilities of an era. By the late 1800s cover lines appeared and in the early 1900s cover lines started the ongoing dialog that has been carried on since cover art. 
  4. In the Forest of Words- Starting in 1937 and ending in 2001, the path is irregular and with many creative byways. There has been a general movement of magazine covers away from the artistic poster cover and toward covers that combine photography with font.

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